Kate S. Im

Kate S. Im

Kate Im has extensive experience advising and representing public entities and private employers on labor and employment issues ranging from employee discipline, hiring, layoffs, training, complaints/investigations, accommodations, and leaves, to collective bargaining and union petitions.  Kate is also an experienced education attorney and has worked with numerous public and private schools/colleges on matters such as special education due process claims, Title IX, and compliance with the California Education Code.

Kate’s practice includes pre-litigation matters and administrative hearings as well as civil and appellate litigation.  She has successfully litigated cases in both federal and state court, including the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeal, and she regularly resolves complaints filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings (“OAH”), Public Employment Relations Board (“PERB”), Civil Rights Department (“CRD” –formerly the Department of Fair Employment and Housing), and Equal Employment Opportunities Commission (“EEOC”) on behalf of her clients.

Published Decisions

  • Payan v. Los Angeles Community College District (9th Cir. 2021) 11 F.4th 729