- T: +1 510.273.8780
- D: +1 510.903.8815
- F: +1 510.839.9104
- dbazzano@bwslaw.com
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Pronouns: she, her, hers
Denise Bazzano is a member of Burke’s Public Law Practice Group where she leverages her multi-faceted experience in municipal law and litigation to assist public entities in a variety of legal and regulatory matters. Denise currently serves as Assistant City Attorney for the cities of Pacifica, Foster City and Watsonville and the Assistant Town Attorney for the Town of Moraga.
Denise regularly advises city councils, planning commissions, boards and staff on a wide range of both transactional and litigated matters including issues relating to conflicts of interest, code enforcement, cannabis regulation, contracts, land use, public works projects, purchasing, elections and areas of liability such as dangerous conditions of public property. Additionally, she provides regular advice regarding compliance with the Political Reform Act, Brown Act, the California and U.S. Constitutions, the Subdivision Map Act, and the Public Records Act. To assist her clients in understanding the law, Denise regularly provides AB 1234 training as well as specialized training in the Public Records Act and Brown Act.
Denise regularly advises city councils and staff on elections related issues including ballot measures and campaign activity. She has also assisted several cities in transitioning to district based elections and redistricting under the California Voting Rights Act of 2001 and the Fair And Inclusive Redistricting for Municipalities And Political Subdivisions (FAIR MAPS) Act.
Denise also advises councils, planning commissions and staff on a broad range of land use and planning matters, including advising public agencies on issues related to CEQA compliance, land use approval procedures, and processing of land use applications for both commercial and residential development projects. Additionally, Denise provides advice on real estate transactions and has experience drafting and negotiating purchase and sale agreements, lease agreements, lease terminations, easements and development agreements.
Denise has extensive experience in code enforcement issues and regularly advises city councils, commissions, and staff on the interpretation and application of administrative laws and procedures, zoning regulations, as well as criminal enforcement of municipal codes. Denise advises clients on constitutional considerations relating to a public agency’s enforcement efforts such as a city’s sign regulations. She has also worked with several cities to develop programs relating to the regulation of special industries such as massage and cannabis. Due to Denise’s skills and experience, she is able to provide both advisory and litigation services to her clients on enforcement issues relating to blighted property and substandard buildings. For each of her clients, she works closely with staff to develop an enforcement strategy that complies with legal requirements and achieves the code enforcement goals of the client.
Denise is currently a member of Cal Cities Municipal Law Handbook Committee.
- J.D., Golden State University School of Law, 2001
- B.S., Business Administration, Saint Mary's College of California, 1995
- State Bar of California
- Alameda County Bar Association, Public Law Section
- Contra Costa County City Attorney's Association
- Cal Cities Municipal Law Handbook Committee
- Public Law Update – Permitting Curbside Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (AB 2427)
- Public Law Update – Expedited Review of Hydrogen-Fueling Station Permits (SB 1418)
- Public Law Update – New Conservation Element Requirement to Consider Wildlife and Habitat Connectivity (AB 1889)
- Two New CEQA Exemptions for Contracts to Provide Services to Persons Experiencing Homelessness and for Junior Accessory Dwelling Unit Ordinances
- AB 2631: Fair Political Practices Commission Required to Make AB 1234 Ethics Training Course Available
- How Your Local Agency is Impacted by SB 684
- Join Us at the CalCities Annual Conference and Expo this October!
- General Conflict of Interest Laws Under the Political Reform Act
- Understanding California’s Ethics Training Requirements for Local Officials (Known As AB 1234)
- Public Law Update – AB 1307: Noise By Residential Occupants On Other People Is Not A Significant Effect For Purposes Of CEQA
- Public Law Update – Attorney General Opines that ADA-Disabled Members of Legislative Bodies May Attend Meetings Remotely
- Public Law Update – Trial Court holds that Senate Bill 9 Does Not Apply to Charter Cities
- Public Law Update – Department of Justice Publishes Regulation Requiring Local Agencies to Make Websites and Mobile Apps Accessible To Persons With Disabilities
- Public Law Update – Nollan/Dollan Takings Claim May Be Filed to Challenge Development Impact Fees Imposed Pursuant to Legislation, Supreme Court Rules
- Public Law Update – US Supreme Court Rules on Whether Actions Taken by Public Officials on Social Media Violates First Amendment
- Public Law Update – Court of Appeal Holds City Must Follow Building Code Provisions Regarding Administrative Hearings for Appeals of Building Code Violations
- Public Law Update – AB 1633: Addressing CEQA’s Use To Indefinitely Block Infill Housing
- 2023 Accessory Dwelling Unit Laws
- SB 4: Housing on Religious or College Property
- AB 965: Broadband Permit Efficiency and Local Government Staff Solution Best Practices Act of 2023
- SB 684 – New Streamlined Approval Process for Residential Projects on Small Urban Lots
- AB 1637 – Local Government: Internet Websites and Email Addresses
- AB 1638: Providing Emergency Information in Non-English
- AB 557: Updates to Teleconference Attendance by Legislative Bodies
- New FPPC Regulations for Campaign Contributions
- Are You Picture Perfect? AB 994 and Posting Mugshots on Law Enforcement Social Media Accounts
- Court Rules Commercial Cannabis Businesses are Similar to Current Land Uses and Covered by City’s General Plan EIR
- SB 329: Increase in Salary Cap for Council Members
- Changes to Medical Cannabis Regulations as a Result of the Medicinal Cannabis Patients’ Right of Access Act
- Distribution of Documents to Legislative Bodies Prior to Meetings
- Changes to General Plan Reporting Due to AB 1743 and AB 2094
- SB 1100 – Additional Process for Removal of Disruptive Individuals From Agency Meetings
- Court Holds Requesting 47,000 Pages Not Unduly Burdensome Under Public Records Act
- SB 619 – Temporary Relief from CalRecycle Penalties
- Court of Appeal Strictly Construes Brown Act Requirement to Make Documents Available for Public Inspection at the Time of Distribution to the Legislative Body
- Court of Appeal Rejects City’s Reliance on Setback Standard Under Housing Accountability Act
- Public Records Act’s Catchall Exemption Applies to COVID-19 Outbreak Location Information
- Protected: Increased Limits on Campaign Contributions and Gifts to CA Officials, Candidates
- Appeals Court Rules Governor Newsom’s Use of Emergency Powers Was Constitutional
- A Refresher on General Conflict-of-Interest Rules
- Bill Summaries: Animal Protections
- SB 288 – CEQA Exemption for Alternative Transportation Projects
- Changes to Public Generally Exception and New Requirement for Posting of Campaign Disclosure Documents Filed in Paper Format
- Bill Summaries | AB 2231 and AB 2311
- Housing Roundup: New Housing Bills Signed by Governor Newsom
- Recent Legislation Affecting Scooters, Skateboards and Parking Penalties
- AB 992 | The Brown Act & Social Media
- COVID-19 Updates for Employers
- Protecting Our Water and Environmental Resources v. County of Stanislaus
- Santa Monica’s At-large Method of Elections Does Not Violate the California Voting Rights Act
- Local Public Agencies Must Ensure Emails and Other Documents Are Retained Throughout CEQA Process and Override Automated Deletion Policies
- Local Special Taxes Proposed by Voter Initiative Subject to Majority Voter Approval
- FPPC Disclosure Revisions to Close Conflict of Interest Loophole
- National Lawyers Guild v. City of Hayward: No Cost for Redaction of Bodycam Footage in Response to CPRA Request
- National Lawyers Guild v. City of Hayward: No Cost for Redaction of Bodycam Footage in Response to CPRA Request
- Navigating the Brown Act During a Period of Local Emergency Due to COVID-19
- Zoning Ordinance Did Not Violate the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act (RLUIPA)
- Are you Compatible? Second Appellate District Considers Incompatible Offices and Finds Offices of Mayor and Board Director are Incompatible
- Brown Act: The Importance of Sticking to Your Agenda
- Brown Act: Avoiding Violations by Responding to Cease and Desist Letters
- Using The “Committee Exception” To Exclude Public Comment At Special Meeting Violates Brown Act
- Access to Private Entity Records is Not Enough to Compel Disclosure Obligations Under CPRA