Orange County
- T: +1 949.863.3363
- D: +1 949.265.3431
- F: +1 949.863.3350
- cherrington@bwslaw.com
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Pronouns: he, him, his
Chad Herrington provides advisory, transactional, and litigation services on a broad range of municipal law issues for cities, counties, and other public agencies throughout California. He currently serves as the Assistant City Attorney for the City of Eastvale and the Town of Yucca Valley, and as deputy City Attorney for the City of Rialto, City of Cathedral City, and City of Wildomar. He previously served as the Assistant City Attorney for the City of Piedmont and City of Rohnert Park. His practice includes advising city councils and staff in all areas of municipal law such as the public records act, open meeting laws, conflicts of interest laws, code enforcement, CEQA, public contracting and procurement, solid waste franchises, and land use and zoning. Chad regularly drafts and reviews resolutions, ordinances, and agreements for cities, advises planning departments, reviews environmental documents, and attends planning commission meetings and city council meetings. Chad also provides trainings on the Brown Act, the Public Records Act, and governmental ethics laws.
In addition to his advisory practice, Chad’s other area of specialty includes municipal law litigation, with a focus on eminent domain, inverse condemnation, and property disputes. His litigation experience includes the successful representation of public entity clients at all stages of litigation, including trial and appeals.
Chad is passionate about public law and has been working with public entities his entire career. Prior to joining Burke, Williams & Sorensen in 2012, Chad served as a graduate law clerk and attorney in the Alameda County Counsel’s Office, and worked for a private firm representing school districts and community college districts in a variety of transactional and litigation matters.
- San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments v. El Adobe Apts. Inc. (Case No. BC 646857). Represented joint powers authority against landowner of a multi-unit apartment building in a part-take condemnation action. Following an 8-day trial, jury awarded only 15% of the $1.8 million in compensation sought by landowner, which was less than the agency’s final offer.
- City of Daly City v. California Department of Finance (2017, Case Nos. 34-2015-8002205 and 34-2017-80002617-CU-WM-GDS). Obtained a writ from the Sacramento Superior Court directing the Department of Finance to recognize over $5.2 million in reimbursement agreements as loans eligible for reinstatement under the redevelopment dissolution act.
- City of Watsonville v. California Department of Finance (2014, Case No. 34-2014-80001910). Obtained a writ from the Sacramento Superior Court directing the Department of Finance to recognize over $4.4 million in loan agreements as loans eligible for reinstatement under the redevelopment dissolution act.
- J.D., University of California, Hastings College of the Law, 2009
- B.S., Emory University, 2003
- State Bar of California
- United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit
- United States District Court for the Central District of California
- United States District Court for the Northern District of California
- Public Law Update – SB 1243 and SB 1181 Create New Rules Regarding Campaign Contributions
- Public Law Update – Senate Bill 1111 Expands the Definition of “Remote Interest” in a Contract Under Gov. Code Section 1091
- Public Law Update – Permitting Curbside Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (AB 2427)
- Public Law Update – Expedited Review of Hydrogen-Fueling Station Permits (SB 1418)
- Public Law Update – New Conservation Element Requirement to Consider Wildlife and Habitat Connectivity (AB 1889)
- Join Us at the CalCities Annual Conference and Expo this October!
- Public Law Update – AB 1307: Noise By Residential Occupants On Other People Is Not A Significant Effect For Purposes Of CEQA
- Burke Secures Eminent Domain Jury Verdict for San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments
- Contra Costa County Superior Court Decision Supports Unanimous Jury Defense Verdict Secured by Burke
- Public Law Update – Nollan/Dollan Takings Claim May Be Filed to Challenge Development Impact Fees Imposed Pursuant to Legislation, Supreme Court Rules
- Public Law Update – AB 1633: Addressing CEQA’s Use To Indefinitely Block Infill Housing
- 2023 Accessory Dwelling Unit Laws
- SB 4: Housing on Religious or College Property
- AB 965: Broadband Permit Efficiency and Local Government Staff Solution Best Practices Act of 2023
- SB 684 – New Streamlined Approval Process for Residential Projects on Small Urban Lots
- AB 1637 – Local Government: Internet Websites and Email Addresses
- AB 1638: Providing Emergency Information in Non-English
- AB 557: Updates to Teleconference Attendance by Legislative Bodies
- New FPPC Regulations for Campaign Contributions
- Are You Picture Perfect? AB 994 and Posting Mugshots on Law Enforcement Social Media Accounts
- SB 329: Increase in Salary Cap for Council Members
- Changes to Medical Cannabis Regulations as a Result of the Medicinal Cannabis Patients’ Right of Access Act
- SB 1439: New Rules on Campaign Contribution Disclosure
- Distribution of Documents to Legislative Bodies Prior to Meetings
- Changes to General Plan Reporting Due to AB 1743 and AB 2094
- SB 1100 – Additional Process for Removal of Disruptive Individuals From Agency Meetings
- Burke partners Alan Sozio, Nicholas Muscolino and Chad Herrington to present at the 22nd Annual Eminent Domain Conference in Northern California
- Court Holds Requesting 47,000 Pages Not Unduly Burdensome Under Public Records Act
- Court of Appeal Strictly Construes Brown Act Requirement to Make Documents Available for Public Inspection at the Time of Distribution to the Legislative Body
- Court of Appeal Rejects City’s Reliance on Setback Standard Under Housing Accountability Act
- Public Records Act’s Catchall Exemption Applies to COVID-19 Outbreak Location Information
- Protected: Increased Limits on Campaign Contributions and Gifts to CA Officials, Candidates
- Appeals Court Rules Governor Newsom’s Use of Emergency Powers Was Constitutional
- Bill Summaries: Animal Protections
- SB 288 – CEQA Exemption for Alternative Transportation Projects
- Changes to Public Generally Exception and New Requirement for Posting of Campaign Disclosure Documents Filed in Paper Format
- Bill Summaries | AB 2231 and AB 2311
- Housing Roundup: New Housing Bills Signed by Governor Newsom
- Recent Legislation Affecting Scooters, Skateboards and Parking Penalties
- AB 992 | The Brown Act & Social Media
- COVID-19 Updates for Employers
- Protecting Our Water and Environmental Resources v. County of Stanislaus
- Santa Monica’s At-large Method of Elections Does Not Violate the California Voting Rights Act
- Local Public Agencies Must Ensure Emails and Other Documents Are Retained Throughout CEQA Process and Override Automated Deletion Policies
- Local Special Taxes Proposed by Voter Initiative Subject to Majority Voter Approval
- FPPC Disclosure Revisions to Close Conflict of Interest Loophole
- National Lawyers Guild v. City of Hayward: No Cost for Redaction of Bodycam Footage in Response to CPRA Request
- National Lawyers Guild v. City of Hayward: No Cost for Redaction of Bodycam Footage in Response to CPRA Request
- Navigating the Brown Act During a Period of Local Emergency Due to COVID-19
- Zoning Ordinance Did Not Violate the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act (RLUIPA)
- Are you Compatible? Second Appellate District Considers Incompatible Offices and Finds Offices of Mayor and Board Director are Incompatible
- Brown Act: The Importance of Sticking to Your Agenda
- Brown Act: Avoiding Violations by Responding to Cease and Desist Letters
- Using The “Committee Exception” To Exclude Public Comment At Special Meeting Violates Brown Act
- Access to Private Entity Records is Not Enough to Compel Disclosure Obligations Under CPRA