AB 2631: Fair Political Practices Commission Required to Make AB 1234 Ethics Training Course Available

AB 2631: Fair Political Practices Commission Required to Make AB 1234 Ethics Training Course Available

Nov 21, 2024

On August 26, 2024, Governor Newsom signed Assembly Bill (AB) 2631 into law, which makes changes to Government Code section 53235 to revise language regarding ethics training provided by the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC). This bill is important to local agencies because it ensures that the FPPC will continue to be an important resource in obtaining free and accurate ethics training.

In 2005, AB 1234 was passed into law, which established new ethics training requirements for certain local government officials. Specifically, AB 1234 required certain county, city, and special district officials to receive at least two hours of ethics training in general ethics every two years.

AB 2631 revises subdivision (c) of section 53235 of the Government Code to require the FPPC, in consultation with the Attorney General, to create, maintain and make available to local agency officials an ethics training course that satisfies the requirements AB 1234 training. Additionally, AB 2631 makes other revisions to subdivision (c) to make conforming changes to the existing consultation requirement to specify that any other entity that develops curricula to satisfy the training requirements of AB 1234 must consult with the FPPC and the Attorney General regarding the sufficiency and accuracy of the proposed course content. The FPPC has guidance on fulfilling this obligation to consult, which can be found here.

AB 2631 goes into effect on January 1, 2025. Local officials should speak with their local agency to ensure that they are compliant with the ethics training requirements under AB 1234.

Burke, Williams & Sorensen, LLP regularly advises clients on legal matters relating to AB 1234, the Political Reform Act and other ethics laws.

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